Monday, December 24, 2007

Soul Jumper

Soul Jumper

Walking by my side
Watching every stride
Sitting quietly without pride
Being my greatest guide
Deciding when our worlds would collide

Death called me out on that very night
But I rejected the sight of the light
It was in that very moment you took flight
Protecting me with all your might
Knowing we would be alright

From the beginning of all time
Dancing through all the crime
Dancing through all the grime
You have been my only friend
Together now we blend
Divide now mend
As we transcend

You have seen the birth of the earth
And the dying of the hearth
You have known a time when the Fae
Never had to hide
When they were truly free to play
You watched as the witches
Burned and died
And watched them learn to fly

You sat by and watched as I denied
The truth inside
All the lonely nights I cried
Watched how hard I tried
And still denied
But still you stood
Right by my side
Waiting for our worlds to collide

What is your name by whom are you known
What letters did they carve in your dying stone?
Do you lie in an unmarked grave?
Were you always so alone?
Have you always danced the dance of the unknown?
Or is it death itself you have outgrown?
Or maybe only postponed?
What is the truth you have been shown?
Does your soul really ever have a home?
Were you even formed from blood and bone?
Will you jump to the great divide?
Or will you greet me on the other side?
Now that our worlds collide

I am your breath and you my death
And yet we both live long
Together we belong
You are the spirit
I the body provide
Now that our worlds collide
Forever we are tied

Mor`Inanna EagleSong © Dec 24th 2007



Greetings from the Underworld © 2008. Chaotic Soul :: Converted by Randomness